"The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen" Howard Carter, and A. C. Mace. Cassell, (1923 - 1933). 3 Volumes

Forget about reading the original unless (like the present writer) you found a copy in a library. Abridged versions are easily found and a full reprint is available which is still too expensive. Not really a full academic publication it's more of a popularization but gives a lot of details. Written as the excavation was in progress there's a lot of contemporary references such as when Howard asks people to leave them alone and let them work.

For those interested in the topic, there's quite a lot of how they restored the objects. In some cases it wasn't too difficult. Bunches of flowers could be sprayed with nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent (collodion) which would put a thin film over the flowers so they could be moved. Preserving bead work required amazing patience. The threads were almost always decayed so the restorers literally had to rethread the entire object from first bead to last.


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