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Trois Vache Dans La Boue

Bronze Sculpture - Bovine Tripyhch Masterpiece

In keeping with the spirit of Albert Schweitzer to honor our four footed friends, after much labor - that's much labor - CooperToons has finally produced a true bronze bovine triptych masterpiece titled Trois Vaches dans la Boue. According to certain of CooperToons' friends - people of unimpeachable integrity, mind you - this means Man's Inhumanity to Man. An alternative title was suggested as Trois Vaches dans la Merde which CooperToons understands means Bronze Study #1. There was even a third suggestion which was Trois Étrons avec Cornes dans la Boue Mélangée avec de la Merde. And CooperToons has been assured that this title means "The Spirit of Man Striving for Salvation Against Unimaginable Odds".

Whatever you want to call it, this work of - ah - "art" is, of course, a bronze statue of three cows in the mud, although why native French speakers would call this "Man's Inhumanity to Man" is a mystery to CooperToons. But you can, should you desire, open a new window (from CooperToons' General Art page) which is the start of a series of pages that will show you how you go about creating such a bronze sculpture. That is, if you just click here.