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The Mystery Man

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Rendered in a comic book style - that is, line and ink with flat colors added with modest shading - this drawing has received severe denouncement from the public. But as the artist's creative response to just criticism, will refrain from ascribing such criticism to lack of patriotism, dotage, and drink.

Nothing special here. No biting, witty satire. No social commentary on how the website is striving to save the world from ignorance and superstition. But in an effort to promote knowledge and rational thought - which we know are the antithesis of ignorance and superstition - one might ponder simple conundrums. For instance, why was the 35th president of the United States the 34th man to take the oath of office?

For the answer to this question - plus a little for those who want some biting social commentary (otherwise known as BSC), just click here.